Friday, January 28, 2011

the first crazy post

i guess we'll see how this goes...

rarely do i find time to put two sane thoughts together in the same sentence, much less a whole blog's worth. after browsing websites last night while waiting for photos to upload (over was a lot of browsing) i found myself jealous that other people were sharing all the amazing things they are doing. most of the time i feel like i'm not doing anything. in reality, i know this is not really true because in any given week or month there are a miriad of things going on around here...i just don't stop long enough to give myself credit for what has gotten done. it is, in light of this, my goal to chronicle parts of my crazy life...for my own sake, if no one else is reading it. hopefully there will be stories and recipes and projects and parenting and remedies and, on occasion, even sobbing interludes. perhaps it will even be cathartic. i will say it again:

i guess we'll see how this goes...

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